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HTG01 & HTG02: Real-time keeper / Range extender
  • HTG01 & HTG02
  • HTG01配件1_画板 1
  • HTG01配件2_画板 1
HTG01 & HTG02: Real-time keeper / Range extender
Bluetooth + real-time keeper + repeater + Bluetooth range extender + optional reinforced external antenna
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HTG01 / HTG02 is a time-keeper module which can keep up to 12 weeks of time during power loss, therefore this product can always synchronize the real time to a Bluetooth network without having to re-sync time everytime the power is cut off and opens again. Additionally, HTG01 /HTG02 can also serve as a Bluetooth range extender (repeater) to bridge two different Bluetooth mesh networks which are far away from each other. HTG01 can have a transmission range of up to 30m radius, while HTG02 offers optional reinforced external antenna which can extend to 50m transmission range.


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